-> 'Positive Thinking Everyday' - a book for every day of the year by Norman Vincent Peale: the godfather of positive thinking.
Today's quote: The greatest power available to a human being is in-depth faith, the force by which you can move mountains of difficulty.
-> Non-drowsy hayfever tablets. Firstly, whoever invented the 'non-drowsy' option should be knighted and secondly, they really do work! As soon as I take one I stop sneezing... MAGICAL.
-> Comforting cuddles from my dad.
-> My reign of the laptop because my brother has decided to go shopping again.
-> Staying inside where I can see the sun but not be burnt by it's vengeful shine.
-> Still feeling like I have time to procrastinate about my history coursework and subsequently enjoying the internet.
-> Finding that my blogspot has nice comments!
-> The new charity shop which is selling cheap jewellery & dvds! Perfect.
-> Finishing work early and walking home in the sunshine with my iPod on.

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