I love that picture.
I love the fact that I am clearly hardcore enough to stay up all night without sleep (purely accidentally)
I love the freedom today gives me to stay in bed and type
I love being forced to be productive and working under pressure, which ties in well with today!
I love the fact the Royal Wedding is tomorrow so I get a day off to catch up on sleep! Hurrahh
I love the fact there will be half price memorabilia to collect for my grandkids/sell for ££££ on Ebay! I jest…
I love my willpower when it comes to dieting
I love my energy and optimism
I love my friend Zahra for granting me a favour <3 I guess I’m now indebted to her!
I love the fact we’ll be eating salad tonight for dinner
I love that I can look forward to watching my ’Marie Antoinette’ DVD soon
I quite love this font.
I love our new kettle because it equals tea and tea equals love
I love that Amy has inspired me to get on with my bucket list-making
I love that my brother is or has proposed to his girlfriend by now!
I love that myself, mother and sister are going out for lunch tomorrow. It’s rare and it’s a big deal.
I love watching interviews with my favourite musicians thanks to the powers of YouTube
I love you for reading this.