Buying shortbread biscuits that looks like a clown's face from the bakery and buying my mother a cheesecake slice at the same time. I really enjoy going to the bakery for some reason, I think it's because it was my favourite place when I was a child.
I've suddenly been struck by the art bug! Normally I steer clear of any type of drawing beyond a doodle, for fear that my skills are laughable in comparison with some of my artistically gifted friends, however last night I had the urge to pick up my pencil and start sketching.
I've now finished a picture of Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and I'm quite proud! (Not proud enough to post a picture because this is my first attempt...)
Walking alongside the river while the sun is shining to observe nature and put it onto paper. Usually I write poetry but today I simply drew an eye instead. I think the outdoors is the perfect place to hone your creativity and it seems to be working for me!
Making plans to see people that I haven't seen in a while and finding my old favourite 'playsuit' (black velvet, mm).
I submitted a poem entitled "If Women Were Presidents" to the Being Feminist blog and they published it! So far, it's had about 30 shares of social network sites. (There's a word missing in the line "when feminism * was still a dirty word but nevermind!)
If Women Were Presidents by Madie Howard
The fact I'm in charge of dinner tonight! Peppers and rice, here we come. (No more meat&mash).
My brother's wedding is very close and my bridesmaid dress now fits perfectly. It'll be my first wedding experience, I can't wait!
I hope you have an amazing day.